Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hilllary's Immigration Plan

Hillary Clinton's view on immigration varies extremely from Donald Trump's. The two candidates do not show a happy medium solution. Instead they are on different sides of the world showing opposing opinions. This has posed some issues for those trying to select a proper candidate to be our next president. Hillary wants to grant citizenship to millions of illegal residents in the united states because of a possible inconvenience of deportation. The idea of sending all these people away to their homelands seems almost unethical. The reason for them coming to America may be that they want to improve their lifestyles. Our country has always stood for homing immigrants and be a country where someone could be anything. That is true, but in more recent times it seems detrimental. Those who stay in the U.S. illegally create competition for hard working citizens. It appears that Hillary's act of amnesty may provide a solution to the suffocating problem. With the integration of illegal immigrants into the U.S. Hillary wants to disclose the privilege from those who may be a threat to the country. Immigrants who have committed crimes  will be sent away, and families will be united. Hillary's recent purposal draws controversy to her road to election, and it is difficult to say what will happen.

Https:// "Where Hillary Clinton Stands on Illegal Immigration." News & Issues. N.p., 2016. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trial and Error

    Current standpoints of our nation's immigrant problem is at the mercy of media and exploitation. Fingers have been pointed suggesting racism, stupidity, and other various choice words. I have yet to discover a genius pan to overcome this nation's immigration problem. It poses a challenge because when it comes down to it we cannot make everyone happy. My thoughts currently reside in the idea of taking action against this threat. I do not believe in building a ridiculous wall, but I like the idea of  taking a stand. If there is anything to be done it may need to act gently, and proceed from there. Solving immigration will be a trial and error opportunity. Our country is currently residing on top of a foundation of immigrant workers, both legal and illegal. The nation must learn to be adaptive in the weaning process of this change. The government must look into how they treat small businesses. I know of some companies that would take a dive if we made them pay legitimate American workers. The cost of paying wages is much easier to handle when your workers are paid under the table. Our future actions against immigration should be highly thought out, and every consequence considered. This trial and error operation would benefit us. As would looking into reducing, or maintaining, our nation's immigrants.

Friday, September 9, 2016

How I feel looking for articles about Clinton....

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
 Varvel, Gary. "Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel." Townhall. N.p., 07 Sept. 2016. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. 

Unresolved Tensions

    There is a discussion about how the retired and those on medicare talking about how they will cope if we limit the younger work force. The baby boomer generation is slowly moving into retirement and some believe that if a reform of immigration occurs there will be consequences. It is stated that if we limit legal immigration there will be less young workers to contribute to retirement and medicare. There in fact would be a decrease at the beginning, but eventually workers who were unemployed may have the opportunity to step in. It is discussed as if immigrants make up the majority of our works force. There is a large number participating in our country, but some are illegal too. Once immigration in America is stabilized and reasserted then it may be applicable for alteration. The amount of legal immigrants in the country must be determined by fluctuations in the economy. There are enough eligible Americans to be put to work. After it has been stabilized then the focus will be pointed towards illegal immigrants in the U.S.. They pose a much larger threat then legal immigrants as of right now because of their involvement in our economy. During this time there may be a gap in between limiting immigrant workers and putting Americans first but in the end it will be beneficial to all who reside in the country. It is important that we take care of our people before we accommodate welcome and unwelcome guest. 
 Brownstein, Ronald. "The 30 Million Immigrants Trump Would Turn Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 08 Sept. 2016. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Immigrants and Our Economy

    Immigrants shaped America. The country that we reside in today is mainly made up of immigrants, or at least descendants. Our country was grown from the sweat and blood forged by willing immigrants from across seas. The worked the land and built up what is now one of the greatest countries on earth. The difference between today and the beginning is that almost all immigrants migrated to the new world legally. They used there skills to settle the West, and today scientist and engineers decorate and strengthen our universities. There is a certain need for them in our society. However, with no demand for low income workers our economy is flooded with immigrants searching for jobs. Wages are driven down to unlivable values, and the American citizen suffers. Businesses are forced to overlook native citizens because they are too costly. They turn to illegal immigrants so hungry for work they will accept jobs with dirt wages no questions asked. Taking advantage of the abundance of people with now citizenship harms poor American citizens who are unable to obtain a job. Our economy is better then it was five years ago, but it is still a lingering problem that has not been avidly addressed by Obama or Bush administrations. As of right now it would be almost guaranteed that any business playing by the rules may collapse. The imbedded immigrants in our society make it difficult to decipher if the economy may be able to get along without them. Hiring such people is almost as degrading as stealing gods from your neighbor. Its disrespectful to the law and also to your fellow neighbor. There is no doubt that current presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has used the appealing story of amnesty to congregate voters to her cause. It seems appealing adopting all of these immigrants but it may be unsuitable and not thought out. On the other end of the spectrum we have this absurd thought of building a wall to keep out intruders. Trump may sound like a mad man at times, but I think he is using the wall as a symbol. America means business and I guess that's his way of projecting that image. I have heard little of Clinton's plans for our immigration situation, but I here different thoughts from Trump every other day. It is hard to decipher who will do better in the aspect of our American well being. I have pushed away my doubts and have decided that Trump may be our last ditch effort in putting change into affect. He is not my favorite person on the planet and I wish there was better options. Clinton is e negative at the moment and there's just something about I truly do not enjoy. Best Luck America.
Morici, Peter. "The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration." Washington Times. The Washington Times, 06 Sept. 2016. Web. 08 Sept. 2016.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Beyond Mexico

    America's immigration problem recently has been a star in the presidential campaign. There has been media portraying racism among political candidates. There is a picture that has been painted in America that makes Mexico look like the bad guy. Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has been compared to Hitler or Stalin with his immigration policy arising. Media has made it seem as though we hate Mexico, and they are where all the immigrants are coming from. The truth of the matter is that they only make up a small portion of illegal immigrants in the U.S.. Our neighboring country to the south is a mere sliver of our immigration policy. Studies show that 13 percent of illegal immigrants are Asian. The problem does not just lie within Mexico and their illegal border jumpers. It has to do with all races trying to illegally integrate themselves into the country. These people are overstaying their welcome and are having an impact on the economy. There is some symbolic gain in building a wall, but action must be taken beyond our Mexican borders.
 Adamy, Janet. "Immigration Source Shifts to Asia From Mexico." WSJ., 2016. Web. 07 Sept. 2016. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Political Cartoon

Ohman, Jack. US News. U.S.News & World Report, 02 Sept. 2016. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.
Editorial cartoon on Donald Trump and immigration policy