Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trial and Error

    Current standpoints of our nation's immigrant problem is at the mercy of media and exploitation. Fingers have been pointed suggesting racism, stupidity, and other various choice words. I have yet to discover a genius pan to overcome this nation's immigration problem. It poses a challenge because when it comes down to it we cannot make everyone happy. My thoughts currently reside in the idea of taking action against this threat. I do not believe in building a ridiculous wall, but I like the idea of  taking a stand. If there is anything to be done it may need to act gently, and proceed from there. Solving immigration will be a trial and error opportunity. Our country is currently residing on top of a foundation of immigrant workers, both legal and illegal. The nation must learn to be adaptive in the weaning process of this change. The government must look into how they treat small businesses. I know of some companies that would take a dive if we made them pay legitimate American workers. The cost of paying wages is much easier to handle when your workers are paid under the table. Our future actions against immigration should be highly thought out, and every consequence considered. This trial and error operation would benefit us. As would looking into reducing, or maintaining, our nation's immigrants.

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