After making his speech in Arizona, Trump has decided to soften his immigration policy. He has suggested that there will be a different path for immigrants in the U.S. in the future. The main focus for him now would be to stop illegal immigration and rid the country of those who have committed crimes or overstayed their visas. In previous speeches he proclaimed that all illegal immigrants would have to leave the country and get in line to obtain legal citizenship. Mass deportation of all immigrants didn't sit well with some voters. Now he is suggesting that if they are law abiding citizens in U.S. then they may be welcome to stay. As of right now it is not an immediate plan to make it it easier for these people to integrate, but to stop the illegal immigration. His stance on the matter is softening with every passing week. Trump seems to be adopting different outlooks to please more voters. As of right now it is somewhat confusing.
Diamond, Jeremy. "Trump Refuses to Rule out Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants." CNN. Cable News Network, 06 Sept. 2016. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.
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