Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hilllary's Immigration Plan

Hillary Clinton's view on immigration varies extremely from Donald Trump's. The two candidates do not show a happy medium solution. Instead they are on different sides of the world showing opposing opinions. This has posed some issues for those trying to select a proper candidate to be our next president. Hillary wants to grant citizenship to millions of illegal residents in the united states because of a possible inconvenience of deportation. The idea of sending all these people away to their homelands seems almost unethical. The reason for them coming to America may be that they want to improve their lifestyles. Our country has always stood for homing immigrants and be a country where someone could be anything. That is true, but in more recent times it seems detrimental. Those who stay in the U.S. illegally create competition for hard working citizens. It appears that Hillary's act of amnesty may provide a solution to the suffocating problem. With the integration of illegal immigrants into the U.S. Hillary wants to disclose the privilege from those who may be a threat to the country. Immigrants who have committed crimes  will be sent away, and families will be united. Hillary's recent purposal draws controversy to her road to election, and it is difficult to say what will happen.

Https:// "Where Hillary Clinton Stands on Illegal Immigration." News & Issues. N.p., 2016. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

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